According to the Marine Environment Protection Authority, more than 100 whaled which were stranded on the Sri Lankan beach were pushed back into the sea. It is the worst mass stranding the country’s history. Local villages, coastguards and sailors from Sri Lanka’s Navy took part in the rescue effort. Commander of the navy requested a local water sports club to provide jet skies with the help of which whales were pushed back into the sea. Defying the novel coronavirus curfew, they worked overnight to return the whales safely into the sea. Unfortunately, during the operation, four of the whales died. Videos of the operation were posted on the social media by the local residents and the view was horrifying. It is a mystery to the scientists that how and why are whales being stranded in the shallow water. Earlier more than 450 whales were found stranded in Tasmania. The phenomenon of mass stranding of whales is still vague and unclear but such incidents are increasing.