JIE International School Chain: Exemplary contribution to the field of education

DREAM is not what you see in sleep, DREAM is something which doesn’t let you sleep.

We all have heard and read these lines of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. But children studying in JIE International School are living them in reality. We have a considerably large number of educational institutions around the world. But unemployment still remains the major issue which has become a global problem. Mere imparting education and obtaining degrees is not helping.

All areas of employment require skill. A person should be adequately skilled to get employed. Our educational institutions focus on rot learning and skills required to be successful in respective fields of interest are not taught. But JIE International School is bringing a major shift in education by making students skilled. JIE International School is a school that is making world record holders. JIE International School Chain is providing not only education to the students, but is inculcating moral values as well.  They are setting the bar in education very high.

Recently, more than 20 students of JIE International School, Rudrapur branch, Uttarakhand, India have made world records. Teachers are playing a major role in encouraging and supporting students. Many children of this school have made world records in mental ability. Many academicians from Malaysia, Nepal and many states of India have visited JIE International School, Rudrapur. A campaign to make small town children successful by providing the best education was started by JIE International School. Today, in this campaign, not only India but also the education system of Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Finland are providing their support.

In fact all individuals and teachers who are involved in the field of education should visit JIE International School once and learn how children are taught with the best techniques. In fact the curriculum of the school is unique and the education which is being imparted to the children with moral values ​​is commendable which is creating their bright future. All educational institutions should take inspiration from JIE International School. It has managed to make imperative changes in the education system and these changes need to be implied globally. The results given by JIE International School in the field of education are exemplary and praiseworthy.