Is e-learning killing education?

The 20th century is known for advancements in technology. E learning is learning through electronic resources. E learning has made learning easy and just a few clicks away. There are virtual teachers, virtual boards and virtual learning. But is e-learning killing education? E-learning has the disadvantage that there is no human interaction. E-learning is an amalgamation of copy-paste material and virtually stating facts about a particular topic. This isn’t the way any learner would be able to understand or learn anything. During ancient times, a specific technique was used for learning by educators and that is storytelling. Storytelling invokes empathy in a person that triggers personal emotions and a person can experience and learn. The moral lessons we were given by the way of stories when we were kids, we still remember them right? Storytelling is the key to learning. Robotic dictation of material is not helping and is not going to help in future as well. The majority of the population is using the internet, but still crucial education about sustainable development and environmental concerns could not be imparted via the internet as it triggers no emotions. E-learning can be a remarkable platform of learning only if it is used the right way.