Increase is Online violence is resulting in mental health concerns

In the last decade, internet technology has seen extravagant growth. People are glued to the screens every waking moment. Internet technology is a boon to society. It has positively impacted our lives in many ways. But there is another side to it as well. Online violence is increasing at a rapid rate day by day. Trolling, abusing, cyber bullying and hate speech has unfortunately become common. As a result, mental health of people is deteriorating.

Those who commit online violence are unaware of the struggle and mental anguish the victims of online abuse have to go through. It can seriously affect mental health. Sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, eating disorders, body image issues are some of the effects of online abuse.

To cope up with these mental health issues, many people resort to substance abuse. Many people do not share that they are being abused online and trying to cope up with the stress all by themselves.

Victims suppress their emotions which result in even more mental health issues. People have started to use social media excessively and they witness online violence. Generally people who witness such online abuse, chose not to do anything about it.

People need to check on themselves as to how much time they are spending on social media. If anybody is a victim of online abuse, they should share it with their well wishers and not let it impact their mental health adversely. People should be more empathetic towards others, even if the conversation and interaction is virtual. Adequate steps must be taken by the government as well to prevent online violence.