After Moon landing, India eyes the Sun

Days after accomplishing to become the first country to touch down near the Moon’s never explored south pole, India’s space agency conveyed on Monday that it will bring a satellite to also investigate the Sun. “The bringing of Aditya-L1, the first space-based Indian observatory to investigate the Sun, is going to be held on Sept 2,” the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Aditya, which means “sun” in the language Hindi, will be fired into a halo orbit in an area of space about 1.5 million kilometres from Earth, giving the craft with a constant crystal clear site of the Sun. “This will give a prominent help to see solar happenings and its impact on space weather in real time,” Isro said.

The spacecraft will be carrying seven payloads to study the Sun’s outermost layers – named as the photosphere and chromosphere – involving by utilizing electromagnetic and particle field detectors. Along with many objectives, it will study the drivers for space weather, involving to clearly know the systems of solar wind.